Digital Health:

Revolutionising healthcare for patients

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At AstraZeneca R&D, 数字技术与健康的融合已经开始改变澳门葡京赌博游戏开发和向患者提供改变生活的药物的方式. 从今天创建以患者为中心的临床试验,到明天通过数字健康解决方案提高患者的治疗效果, our long-term vision is to reimagine healthcare with the patient at the centre.

数字医疗从根本上改善人类健康和改变患者治疗结果的机会令人难以置信地兴奋. We are at the forefront of this healthcare revolution, powered by scientific evidence, digital, longitudinal multiomics health data and AI.

Cristina Duran     Chief Digital Health Officer R&D, AstraZeneca


Across Oncology and BioPharmaceuticals, which includes Cardiovascular, Renal & Metabolism, and Respiratory & Immunology, 在治疗经常退行性疾病患者方面,仍有大量需求未得到满足, debilitating and life-threatening.


Combined with hardware and device advances and improvements in software capability, 新的数字技术正在创造机会,为患者提供比以前想象的更多的服务.

Scaling patient-centric trials

Clinical trials are a critical part of bringing new medicines to patients. We have been working with patients to understand how to make clinical trials easier for them, from solutions to help them find trials, to being able to participate and provide data remotely from home.

In 2021, 澳门葡京赌博游戏的目标是,澳门葡京赌博游戏90%的新研究将有一个适合该试验的数字健康战略,澳门葡京赌博游戏正在实现这一目标.

To help make this a reality, we are co-creating digital solutions with patients, bringing improvements to all participants – patients, healthcare professionals and our colleagues. 

其中一个数字解决方案是澳门葡京赌博游戏新的临床研究支持平台Unify,它已经成为澳门葡京赌博游戏在世界各地进行的几项试验的一部分. Its benefits include: 

  • Data collection: Meets patients where they are, enabling remote, real-time data collection through devices and apps, reducing the need for as many in-clinic visits and in some trials, none at all
  • Accessibility: Makes it easier for patients to find, understand and join the right clinical trial for them
  • Retention: Keeps patients engaged throughout the trial

By embracing digital technologies, 澳门葡京赌博游戏正在减少患者前往试验地点的需要,并增加参加澳门葡京赌博游戏试验的患者的多样性. Through continual data collection, we also have the potential to obtain new and faster endpoints, and in real-time, 使临床医生更好地了解药物如何影响疾病及其与个人整体健康的相互作用. 最终,这将加快为患者开发和提供改变生活的药物的时间.

Augmenting patient outcomes through digital health solutions

为了改善病人的健康结果,澳门葡京赌博游戏知道澳门葡京赌博游戏必须以不同的方式思考,更全面地思考. 澳门葡京赌博游戏这样做的一种方式是将澳门葡京赌博游戏的创新治疗方法与基于证据的数字健康解决方案相结合, including digital biomarkers, digital diagnostics and digital therapeutics.

  • Digital biomarkers are digital tools, such as portables, 客观测量和评估患者的生物和病理过程或对治疗干预的生物反应的植入式和可穿戴设备(生物标志物).
  • Digital diagnostics 软件驱动的连接技术是否检测或确认疾病或感兴趣的状况的存在,或识别患有疾病亚型的个体. 人们希望基于软件的新型生物标志物将有助于更好地定义那些将从多种适应症的肿瘤治疗中受益的患者.
  • Digital therapeutics is where health and technology merge to augment traditional medicines. We currently have several digital therapeutics in development across our therapy areas. For example, 澳门葡京赌博游戏设计了一种针对乳腺癌的数字疗法,旨在监测患者的症状和生命体征,并基于算法和专家规则, alert a physician as to how well the patient is doing on the treatment, to maximise both safety and outcomes

As we continue to scale our digital capabilities, 至关重要的是,开发的每一种设备和治疗方法都有严格的科学证据支持,证明它对改善患者的预后有直接影响.

Reimagining healthcare for patients

澳门葡京赌博游戏的最终目标是重新构想医疗保健-利用创新来改变患者的医疗保健旅程,以改善早期诊断, more precision treatments and proactive digital monitoring for better outcomes, powered by digital, longitudinal data and AI.

We know the diseases we aim to treat, hope to prevent and, in the future, even cure are complex. By harnessing digital health, 澳门葡京赌博游戏有潜力推动医疗保健的转变,这需要更快地诊断和检测疾病, manage risks and to help slow or potentially prevent disease onset.

For example, for asthma patients, our aim is to be able to continuously monitor symptoms and keep care teams and doctors updated, analyse individual data using AI to identify triggers, such as an asthma attack, and predict and prevent future ones. Using this approach, 澳门葡京赌博游戏希望彻底改变澳门葡京赌博游戏与患者的互动方式,这样他们就能更好地控制自己的病情.


Transforming how we work

Alongside our colleagues in IT, data science and AI, and through strategic external collaborations, we have built a connected infrastructure of digital and innovative tools to transform, streamline and optimise how we work internally. So far, our teams have built:

  • An insight platform, ‘control tower’, which uses visual analytics to guide decision-making, 让澳门葡京赌博游戏的领导和同事能够实时访问任何研究的状态,并使用算法预测时间线.
  • A data and analytical  tool which optimises and automates the study design, planning and management of clinical trials to enable us to plan diverse, efficient and effective clinical studies
  • A unified clinical trial management system that is a best-in-class, cloud based, single, digitised and connected platform
  • Machine learning based adjudication for clinical event classification in cardiovascular outcome trials
  • 增强临床供应链的数字化功能,加快试验设置,减少试验浪费
  • A large catalogue of more than 100 devices, 哪些已被评估为临床有效,并具有积极的患者体验,支持其在临床试验及其他领域的使用. 澳门葡京赌博游戏的评估也确保了澳门葡京赌博游戏不会使用不能提供所需准确性或患者体验的设备.

As well as accelerating our pipeline, these technologies have enabled us to improve data quality, 将一些手工活动减少50%以上,同时将学习成本降低五分之一以上.

The digital capabilities we are embedding across R&D are creating a seamless connectivity between people and data. By embracing innovative digital solutions, we aim to shorten clinical cycle times and deliver a much better patient experience.

Phillippa Brown Vice President, Development Operations, R&D, AstraZeneca

The people driving our digital health revolution

Meet some of the pioneers driving our digital health revolution to transform clinical trials, 通过突破性的数字解决方案提高患者的治疗效果,重新构想未来的医疗保健.

Purposeful collaborations to tackle our key priorities

Our approach to innovation and collaboration in digital health starts with unmet needs, is patient insights-focused, and science and evidence-driven. 澳门葡京赌博游戏正在创建一个战略合作伙伴生态系统——从前景光明的科技初创企业到世界领先的学术团体——目前已有55个合作伙伴, some of which can be explored below.




Current Health

Isla Mackenzie

Rob Horne


If you have an idea, invention or innovation you believe could help patients live better and longer lives, we want to hear from you. Please contact us at:

Veeva ID: Z4-51663
Date of preparation: January 2023